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PRINCE2 Health Check

Once an organisation is undertaking or has undertaken a programme or project and is seen to be following its planned route it is necessary for those sponsoring and running the initiative to feel confident and assured that all is as it should be. This is where a health check acts as a key diagnostic tool.

A health check put simply is a snapshot of the programme or projects condition at a point in time, it is sensible in projects to have a number of these checks. Often seen as a preventative measure they analyse the performance of the project and its conformance to the original ‘plan’. ILX’s Registered Consultants are equally adroit at carrying out these checks on behalf of organisations or coaching internal staff to enable them to carry out the checks.

Why should you consider someone external you may say? Its often difficult for people closely involved in projects and programmes to take a really objective view. An ILX registered consultant provides organisations with this objectivity and brings an independent view to the assurance of the project on behalf of sponsors thereby reducing the risk of ‘unexpected’ surprises.

A typical health check usually covers the following questions:

  • What are the projects requirements?
  • Who are the key stakeholders
  • What are the issues, if any, with the current implementations?
  • How does the solution fit with regards to current ‘best practice’
  • What are the current standards in use?

ILX would then go on to produce a report with recommendations for the client organisation along with an agreed action plan to bring the project or programme into line.

If you are interested in a PRINCE2 project health check call your local office to discuss your requirements with an ILX accredited consultant.