PRINCE2 Project Management Articles, Videos and Other Useful Resources. Providing free info, hints & tips, guides and other useful resources to those that use PRINCE2 as a Project Management methodology.

7 Ways Most Firms Go Wrong on E-Learning Projects
Posted on Monday, 3rd November 2014 18:10
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Gradually, more and more businesses are finding e-learning solutions to be a successful and cost-effective way of solving their training needs. That being said, a large number of them are running into problems when it comes to developing and implementing their e-learning projects.
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Measuring E-Learning ROI
Posted on Thursday, 30th October 2014 10:53
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Investment in any project, whether it be capital, time or resources, will be sanctioned based on the likelihood of successful delivery and whether achieving the project objectives will result in a return on investment (ROI).
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Managing Digital Security
Posted on Sunday, 26th October 2014 11:47
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Digital security is arguably the most pressing issue facing the business world of today. It seems stories of security breaches are never far away from the mainstream media, and the need for sufficient security protection is now greater than ever.
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Needs Analysis and E-Learning
Posted on Thursday, 16th October 2014 09:47
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Whatever kind of project you’re managing, you will have a defined set of objectives. Whether you meet these or not will ultimately determine whether your project has been a success or a failure.
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E-Learning: Managing Subject Experts
Posted on Wednesday, 15th October 2014 09:18
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
As a project manager in charge of designing an e-learning course, there is only so far any amount of training or experience can go before the raw content is required to be implemented. For the course to be successful, the close collaboration and communication with subject experts is absolutely paramount.
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Avoiding the Most Common E-Learning Pitfalls
Posted on Tuesday, 14th October 2014 12:53
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
E-learning is becoming the go-to platform when it comes to educating and training workforces and project professionals. The changing demands of the workplace and modern day project management have made it necessary. But how effective are the e-learning programmes that are being deployed?
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