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PRINCE2® Case Studies

Transpower plans ahead, to ensure the National Grid is able to meet the needs of future generations. This is achieved using computer programs which simulate how New Zealand's power system behaves as electricity demand and generation grow.

When a future issue is identified, Transpower goes

Through a process of:

  • Identifying options to resolve the issue (for larger projects this will include an extensive public consultation process)
  • Short-listing the options
  • Determining a preferred option
  • Seeking approval to recover the cost of the preferred
  • option (if transmission) from the Electricity Commission
  • (who regulate Transpower's investments)
  • Designing the solution and consulting with any
  • people affected
  • Obtaining Resource Management Act approval to build.

As the transmission network is a natural monopoly Transpower's investments are regulated by the Electricity Commission, and it's pricing is regulated by the Commerce Commission. As a result of this, the Commerce Commission audits delivery performance and processes to ensure that Transpower delivers value for money assets and IT solutions.

Within IT, a hybrid project management method was previously used that was identified as having inefficiencies to those employed in the project management space. The lessons that were learned in 2008 were that the delivery framework and associated processes were cumbersome and not grounded in industry good practice. In order to achieve this and deliver against the corporate vision that stated 'We will be respected for our operations and our honesty', the decision was made to implement PRINCE2 as the project management method for IT projects.

To read more download the full case study by clicking here.