We may be a little PRINCE2 obsessed here, but we’ve noticed something: some decisions by national team coaches and managers have shades (some paler than others!) of PRINCE2 Principles about them.
PRINCE2 Project Management Articles, Videos and Other Useful Resources
Providing free info, hints & tips, guides and other useful resources to those that use PRINCE2 as a Project Management methodology.
There’s a scene in the film City Slickers (city folk go cattle driving, yeehaw!) where the Billy Crystal character, Mitch, tries to explain to his friend Phil, how to use a VCR (yeah, it’s an old film). Phil, though, doesn’t get it. He seriously doesn’t and, you know that he’s never going to get it.
Everyone can have a brilliant idea for a product or service. The trick is to make sure that you follow the right steps to turn the idea into reality. PRINCE2’s themes help ensure this. They are the seven critical aspects of project management that, addressed and considered throughout the project, make it a success.
What makes PRINCE2 such a successful methodology (when it’s used properly) is that it understands that projects, like journeys, are best managed in stages. And although, it’s the Project Board that decides on the number of stages, project managers need to understand the process in order to deliver what the board and the project need.
Not too many years ago, nearly all managers were male. This is certainly not the case today, but it is still true that fewer women than men stride the boardrooms of the UK and the world. The times, though, they are a-changing. Research suggests that women have the leadership qualities that business and project management in this century may well demand.