Het is logisch dat we geloven dat het behalen van een certificaat in projectmanagement een veilige manier is om uw carrièrekansen, kennis van best practice en algehele vaardigheden te vergroten. Zonder de juiste persoonlijke vaardigheden kan een kwalificatie u echter alleen tot hier brengen. We hebben 4 essentiële eigenschappen op een rijtje gezet die u kunt gebruiken om uw PM-vaardigheden te upgraden van goed naar geweldig.
PRINCE2 Project Management Articles, Videos and Other Useful Resources
Providing free info, hints & tips, guides and other useful resources to those that use PRINCE2 as a Project Management methodology.
Hoe groot of klein uw project ook is, een gedetailleerd en goed doordacht plan helpt om het project probleemloos te laten verlopen en de beste resultaten te bereiken. Het maken van een projectplan is in feite een van de belangrijkste onderdelen van het hele proces. Doe het goed, dan laat u het project goed van start gaan. Het biedt uw team de informatie die ze nodig hebben om tot het project succesvol af te kunnen ronden. Doet u het niet goed, dan heeft het project wellicht al geen kans van slagen voordat het is begonnen.
Millennials and Gen Z are changing trends within Corporate Social Responsibility. Their activism and desire to be a power for good is influencing organisations in a huge way – and with just cause! Increasingly, companies are finding their voice to speak out against social injustice, policies which negatively affect the environment and more.
Project management is a lucrative, versatile, exciting, and rewarding job, but in order to be successful in this career, you must have the right skillset.
Project managers need to be organised, knowledgeable and able to multitask. They must be strong leaders in order to drive employees and possess the communication and motivational skills which go hand in hand with managing teams.
Kanban is a system for managing the flow of work. Developed in the 1940s, the system was originally designed to improve manufacturing efficiencies by tracking production. Surprisingly, when Kanban first started out, there was no visual board at all. It was a foundation of principles that made the Kanban system.
The common assumption is that organisations who are investing in technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, automation and Virtual Reality are future-proofing themselves. But is that necessarily the case? Is becoming future-proof really as simple as spending big on technology? Or what more can we do to give our business the best possible advantage going forward?
Here at ILX we’ve been delving into our stats and have discovered that millennials are choosing PRINCE2!
Over the past financial year, millennials – also known as Gen Y – have made up our biggest customer segment with 36% of PRINCE2 web sales coming from this age group. So why are millennials choosing PRINCE2? And what does this spell for the project profession? Read on to find out.