Was well organised, on line training was easy to follow and practice exams were relevant to the final exam. But why do we sit a paper exam when we have done on line training?
Pre-course communication and venue was convinent and Andy West a great tutor.
My only comment is regarding lunch - it was very poor. It had no impact on my overall experience but just thought to make the point :).
Very Helpful!
ILX was what I expected. They delivered excellent training.
Really well organised, good facilities.
Service provided was very good.
No fuss, good communication. The only suggestion I would make is that it was difficult to enrol two people at the same time, there was no option to add their different names and contact details.
great service all round
Course was good but pre work wasn't highlighted at time of booking and hampered my initial progress. I came onto the course with no preparation whatsoever. And my manual didn't arrive until near the end of the course. Shame as otherwise they were good.
Excellent trainer
Professional and thorough. Knew exactly what was offer and had a smooth and easy registration process. Timely delivery of course materials.
Venue was excellent and easily accessible. Trainer was very experieneced and gave the training very well using her own working experiences as examples which was very informative.
Course was good. Tutor was very good.
But whoever took 5 months to ask my opinion is not so flash!!
Good joining instructions and contact details. Good that the portal can be accessed from home, work or from wherever. Initial webinar was useful.
Great service
very helpful although was a mix up with my details hence why I got the information late
Pre and post exam support staff were brilliant and handled issues really well, although when going through account manager this was quite slow and I often didn't get a response.
Comfortable training venue, lunch good.
Good service.
The trainer was excellent. there is lots to learn in a week but if you do your preparation and follow the trainer course and guidance during the week, it becomes manageable.